Open Call: non-professional participants for DARKMATTER

Be part of the Distorted Rap Choir in Cherish Menzo's new creation. Apply before April 7.


Performance artist Cherish Menzo works with electronic music, Chopped and Screwed and Rap. For her new production DARKMATTER she looks at the notions of Afrofuturism and posthumanism and explores the use of movement and voice, as a tool to look more closely at how we perceive ourselves and others.

If you also have affinity with these topics, then make sure to apply to be part of the Distorted Rap Choir in the performance DARKMATTER.

About Cherish and the performance DARKMATTER

Cherish is a performance artist, based in Amsterdam and Brussels.
In her artistic work she is interested in the transformation of the body on stage and in the “embodiment” of different physical images. Images seem recognizable at first glance, but by highlighting their complexity and contradiction, Cherish questions the apparent norm. 
Cherish creates universes in which the black body stands central. She floats between the nostalgia of the 90s and 2000s (hip-hop, rap lyrics, sci-fi, manga) and speculative futures to give shape and materialize uncanny, enigmatic forms and realities.

In DARKMATTER, Cherish searches for what might be new strategies and ways to transform the body and bring physicality to matter. For this she researches dark matter, Afrofuturism and Posthumanism, and also looks at the frictions these notions bring along.

She uses the Chopped and Screwed-methodology to shape a movement language specific to the DARKMATTER universe.

This remixing technique Chopped and Screwed originated in hip-hop music, slowing down the tempo considerably and creating rhythm changes. The song gets a new "chopped" and "screwed" version through scratch effects, pauses, repeats, remixes, and skipping beats.

Cherish applies these tools from hip-hop and electronic music to movement, voice, and the body. Well-recognised sounds, images, and movements are sampled and shaken up, slowed down, and alienated on stage.

In order to present multiple voices, Cherish works with the Distorted Rap Choir: a locally formed choir of non-professional participants. In four days time, you will learn the chopped & screwed methodology, lyrics and choreography from Cherish Menzo and vocal coach Daniel Bonsu. Conversely, Cherish offers openings to each choir for their own input. Your input during rehearsals and later the performances is therefore essential to the embodiment of the Brussels Distorted Rap Choir.

Afterwards the production tours in Belgium and abroad, with a new locally formed Distorted Rap Choir of non-professionals in each city.

Profile of the Distorted Rap Choir participants

Cherish wants to work for DARKMATTER with people of colour and black people. For the constellation of the Distorted Rap Choir we specifically want to invite people of colour and black people and of a variety of age (16+) and background. We are looking for non-professional participants who are eager to become part of the DARKMATTER universe and who are interested in joining the search for other stories and embodiments of the (black) human body.


During three labo-days in April, the participants will learn and explore the DARKMATTER universe, with rap, voice/vocal music, and movement based on the principles of Chopped and Screwed.

During one rehearsal day in May we bring the practice of the labo-days onto the stage, leading up to performances on the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th of May.

The common language will be English.

We kindly ask you to be present on all indicated dates and times, as this is a requirement to participate:


Sunday, 10 April 14:00 – 18:00

Monday, 11 April 17:30 – 22:00

Tuesday, 12 April 17:30 – 22:00


Wednesday, 11 May 17:30 – 22:00



Thursday, 12 May 17:00 – 23:00 (performance at 20:30) - dinner before

Friday, 13 May 16:00 – 20:00 (performance at 18:00) - dinner afterwards

Saturday, 14 May 16:00 – 20:00 (performance at 18:00) - dinner afterwards

Sunday, 15 May 15:00 – 19:00 (performance at 17:00) - dinner afterwards



All labo-days, rehearsals and performances take place at Beursschouwburg :
Rue Auguste Orts 20-28, 1000 Brussels.

The performances take place in the framework of Kunstenfestivaldesarts, in collaboration with Beursschouwburg, GRIP and Frascati.



We provide a warm meal and catering on all days.
For the rehearsals in April and the performances in May you receive a volunteer fee of 400 EUR.


How to apply?

You can apply until the 4th of April by sending your name, age, an image, short bio and a short motivation why to participate by mail to

More info on Cherish Menzo can be found on  

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