Mad About Music Night: Empty Taxi + Princess Chelsea + DJ VingtCent

Mad about Music organises concerts in Belgium, especially of the alternative and underground type, ranging from rock, post-punk, metal right through to electronic music.

FR 05.06.2015 19:00


BE - ready-to-travel electrons
Empty Taxi is a project of Zoë McPherson, a singer/producer living in Brussels with French/Northern Irish roots. She kicks off with ambient sounds, percussion, synths, meditative beats and a particularly soulful voice. Her electronic music is best summed up as techno and ethnic ambient interlaced with singing, you hear echoes of Muslimgauze, Vatican Shadow and Gazelle Twin.

Her debut album Irizajn was released on tape last autumn and is the sampled upshot of pygmy voices, ethnological journeys and technical experiments.

We were immediately captivated by her boldness and personality. We look forward to seeing her perform live, and how she will develop her style. – Girls In Hawaii


NZ - magic pop
Princess Chelsea is the project of the New Zealand classical pianist/composer Chelsea Nikkel, who unleashes utterly charming, enchanting indie tracks on her audience: minimal music with a child’s voice and three layers of irony in a clip full of pastel shades. Despite the playful tone, the tracks by Princess Chelsea leave you in no doubt as to their composition. This was abundantly clear in her debut album Lil’ Golden Book. Some sources speak of a new album due to be released in 2023 which will sound like the universe.

A while ago, Princess Chelsea caused an unexpected viral sensation on YouTube! Her wry The Cigarette Duet (a duet with Jonathan Bree) was watched more than 18 million times. Rarely was a music video so strange yet familiar at the same time.

For anyone who likes to frolic around in a pink skirt with their hair in pigtails: climb those stairs and prepare yourself to be lost in this fairy-tale phantasy with a sarcastic twist.

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