De Kreun: Isaac + Beak> + DJ Helter Skelter

De Kreun would not be De Kreun, if they did not move Kortrijk residents to Brussels! The first band of the evening, a.k.a. Isaac, can be summed up as Kortrijk drones and soundscapes, brought together by Pol Isaac (Usain Bolt Records).

We welcome another group from Bristol (just like Zun Zun Egui, scheduled by Vooruit on our roof terrace on 13 June). The West Flemish De Kreun know how to grab the bull by the horns and get Beak> to Brussels.

FR 26.06.2015 19:00

Beak> is the project of Portishead mastermind Geoff Barrow (drums), with Billy Fuller on bass and Matt Williams on keyboard. This band brings nothing less than unadulterated krautrock that echoed from many a German bar back in the 70s, a tribute to bands like Can, Faust and Neu! We conclude Out Loud! 2015 with pumping krauttracks, a witty dose of psychedelics, ghostly electronic echoes and a whiff of shoegaze.

19:00 ISAAC (BE) - noise means never
22:00 Beak> (UK) - nu kraut trio

With De Kreun / Kortrijk

see also