PRICE Melodies are so far my best friend

PRICE uses music to call into question the forms and norms of language in the internet age.

FR 22.03.2019 20:30 w/ PERFORMATIK19
SA 23.03.2019 20:30 w/ PERFORMATIK19

With the way we consume language continuing to become ever more brisk and superficial, is it at risk of losing its instinctive and emotional expressiveness? PRICE aims to answer this question with the aid of music and movement. Together with producer Cecile Believe, pianist Sebastian Hirsig, fashion label BARRAGÁN and photographer Mirjam Graf, PRICE captivates the audience with his body and voice. The space comes alive through the questions PRICE puts to the audience, while the soundtrack flows from heavenly ambient to dark tribal and back.

PRICE is the alter ego of Mathias Ringgenberg. Through PRICE, a queer hybrid of close reality and distant dream, he enters a no-holds-barred exploration of the emotional disorientation of a generation that grew up with mass culture, neoliberalism and the ubiquity of the internet.

After his impressive performance at Bâtard 2018, PRICE is bringing his new performance to the Beursschouwburg for its Belgian première. Welcome back!

Part of NORMAL SCHNORMAL, a multidisciplinary programme on normality and other deviations.


artistic direction: PRICE (Mathias Ringgenberg), music and performance: PRICE,  music production: Cecile Believe, piano: Sebastian Hirsig, light: Mirjam Graf, stage costume design in collaboration with BARRAGÁN, dramaturgy: Tom Engels, movement research: Isabel Lewis, co-production: Arsenic – Contemporary Performing Arts Center Lausanne, Tanzhaus Zürich, Life Long Burning EU

This project is supported by Pro Helvetia, Swiss Cultural Foundation and Fondation Nestlé pour l'Art

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