Rosie Sommers & Micha Goldberg – GERMAN STAATSTHEATER

A tor­na­do of panic tur­ned into humor and self-moc­kery, ulti­ma­te­ly showing the power of com­mu­ni­ty. 

It Takes a City festival, performance, Les Halles
TH 08.02.2024 20:00 premiere
FR 09.02.2024 20:00

In GERMAN STAATSTHEATER, a group of per­for­mers will take you on an ener­ge­tic and per­for­ma­ti­ve jour­ney. In ‘Hochdeutsch mit Variationen’ and through an inces­sant slap­stick of over­wrought bodies, they explo­re what com­mu­ni­ty and soli­da­ri­ty can still mean in the indi­vi­du­a­lis­tic and suc­cess-based soci­e­ty we live in.  Here, the­a­tre is a pla­ce to cele­bra­te ‘wasted’ ener­gy, in the form of exu­be­rant fun. 

Theatremakers Rosie Sommers and Micha Goldberg (Ne mosqui­to pas) del­ve into the tra­di­ti­o­nal German staats­the­a­ter, a the­a­tre form dis­tin­guis­hed by its monu­men­tal charac­ter, tra­di­ti­o­nal pro­duc­ti­on logic and the sta­ging of soci­al­ly rele­vant reper­toi­re pie­ces. The expres­si­ve the­a­tri­ca­li­ty and the gigan­tic group of actors on sta­ge spark Rosie & Micha’s ima­gi­na­ti­on as a kind of sym­bo­lic coun­ter­point to their own the­a­tri­cal prac­ti­ce.  

language | German English — srt. French Dutch English
duration | 105 min.

Rosie Sommers (NL, 1995) graduated from the Drama department at KASK in Ghent in 2018. She followed a master's degree in choreography at ISAC (Brussels). She performed in the work of Thomas Ryckewaert, Marc Vanrunxt, Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe, Tomas Gonzalez, Igor Cardellini, or Gaël Santisteva. She has been living for two years in the off-space for performance Volksroom in Anderlecht, where she organised events together with Micha Goldberg and Simon Van Schuylenbergh. She is involved in the development of the solo-performance platform Ne Mosquito Pas. Rosie participated in Nightshift at TAZ in the summer of 2022 in Ostend, where she developed the performance GERMAN STAATSTHEATER with Micha Goldberg (première in Les Halles de Schaarbeek in February 2024) and her solo performance ‘The Naked Traveller’. In November 2023, her piece 'Tantra for Beginners' with Nathan Ooms and Castélie Yalombo premiered in VierNulVier.


Micha Goldberg (°1983) is a Norwegian performer and theatremaker who studied Physical Theatre at Accademia Teatro Dimitri in Switserland and obtained a master’s degree in theatre at RITCS (2013, Brussels). He graduated with his performance ‘Confetti’, presented at home and abroad. In 2014 followed by The Garden Laboratorium and The Primal Money Scream, in collaboration with Sophia Rodriguez. In 2016, Micha founded Micha’s Amateur Theatre Group (for professionals).

Both Rosie and Micha lived and worked in Volksroom the past few years. Here arose the collective initiative Ne mosquito pas, led by Simon Van Schuylenbergh. For five years, a group of artists, all with different backgrounds, created solo’s around failure and guilty pleasures. From Ne mosquito pas sprang the idea for GERMAN STAATSTHEATER. 


concept | Rosie Sommers & Micha Goldberg 
performers | Simon Van Schuylenbergh, Milka Mbunga Kongi, Loucka Elie Fiagan, Ariadna Rubio Lleo, Giulia Piana, Natacha Nicora, Simon Baetens, Dahlia Pessemiers-Benamar, Lydia McGlinchey, Anna Franziska Jäger, Nathan Ooms, Rosie Sommers & Micha Goldberg
light design | Max Adams 
sound | Milan Van Doren 
tech­ni­que | Vic van den Bossche 
dra­ma­tur­gy | Anna Franziska Jäger & Nathan Ooms 
dra­ma­tur­gi­cal advi­ce | Elisa Liepsch 
pro­duc­ti­on | Kunstenwerk­plaats 
co-pro­duc­ti­on | VIERNULVIER, Toneelhuis & Les Halles de Schaerbeek 
thanks to | Decoratelier, Beursschouwburg, Gouvernement & Theater Aan Zee
with the finan­ci­al sup­port of | de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie en de Tax Shelter van de Belgische federale overheid - Look@Leo
image | Michiel Devijver


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