*Simon Asencio, Andrea Zavala Folache, Paula Almiron* The school of magic·k*

* magic·k is any practice that involves change occurring in conformity with the will. This includes “mundane” acts of will as well as ritual magic.

TH 09.06.2022 10:30
FR 10.06.2022 10:30
SA 11.06.2022 18:00

The school of magic·k blooms as a supportive collective structure for experimentation and study of discreet techniques: techniques that operate in the realm of the invisible, the occult or the intangible. Discreet techniques stem from the arts of mancy (the divination through cards, stars, crystal, palms and bones) and expand into an array of practices of reading and writing in and through material: reiki, fascia, radiesthesia, remote viewing, remote moving, mapnapping, scrying, sigils, astrology, clairvoyance, and other techniques already existing or yet to be devised. If such techniques are often attributed to the realm of extraordinary characters and gifted persons, the notion of school, on the contrary, brings about the notion of transmission and mutual learning. At the school of magic·k, the “extra-ordinary” holds into “very-daily” shared endeavours. The school of magic·k is thought of as a meeting point to gather and prepare tools in order to prefigure forms of living and loving that challenge accepted understandings of self, intention and encounter


At the school of magic·k there are no teachers nor students but practitioners who engage in a collective study. A practitioner can be a person who wishes to share their discreet techniques and learn from others, but also someone curious and interested in transmission processes and willing to be part of a situation of mutual learning.

During the second session of the school of magic·k at Beursschouwburg, Andrea, Paula and Simon invite discreet techniques practitioners of all kinds to join one or several sessions.
>> reserve your spot

Thursday June 9th, 10:30 - 14:30 
Friday June 10th, 10:30 - 14:30 

On Saturday June 11th, from 18:00 - 20:00 the school of magic·k invites practitioners to join the closing of their session at Beursschouwburg. This moment doesn’t mean to become a final presentation of a process but rather it takes the time to recall, resume and resituate the endeavors of the school of magic·k together.
>> reserve your spot



Andrea Zavala Folache works with choreography and painting as structures for mediating tools in order to investigate emerging relations between the mediums of spectatorship, theatre and dance. Her work has been presented in the form of performances, workshops, artistic advising, and interdisciplinary collaborations.

Simon Asencio makes performances where the notions of liveness, stage and audience are put into question. His work takes the form of exhibition scenarios, text-based ephemera and covert acts. He often uses imposture and the expression of doubt as means to develop, circulate and present his work.

Paula Almiron is an Argentinian choreographer based in Brussels. Her practice unfolds at the intersection of choreography, fictional writing and geology. Through her work, she investigates choreography as a listening device: the potential of choreography to write relationships. Within her practice, she aims to investigate the ways in which the social and the geological construct each other.



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