Kiki Kiosk by Bebe Books

Travelling kiosk, cuddly queer archive and meeting point.


Bebe Books is a collective experiment in communication and publishing. The Kiki Kiosk is a mobile structure the collective designed and built together to showcase their publications and archives. The kiosk functions not only as a haven for print publications, but also as a meeting point for the queer community.

Bebe Books considers itself a queer collective, both in terms of identity and methodology. By sharing creative labour, care and friendship, they resist the modern myth of the individual heroic designer – what Ursula K. Le Guin called "the story of the arrow or spear". Besides the fact that the majority of the Bebe Books community does not identify with "traditional" and binary male-female gender roles, the collective designs frameworks in which diverse marginalised experiences and voices find their own time and space – be it a book, a gay bar, a temple or a political campaign.

The prototype of the Kiki Kiosk was built by the members of Bebe Books during a residency at Het Entrepot in Bruges, for the Konvooi Festival in 2022.

In 2023, Bebe Books built a (literally) soft version of their first kiosk and presented it at Muntpunt. This soft version of the Kiki Kiosk comes to the Slow Café to present more or less recent publications and collaborations.



see also