Graham Kelly & Goda Palekaitė Swallower of Shades

A film of the phenomenon of Egyptomania or the fetishisation of Ancient Egyptian aesthetics and culture in the West.

TH 14.12.2023 20:00 BE premiere

The screening is accompanied by a special, tasteful degustation cooked up by Jonas Palekas, and is followed by a conversation with the filmmakers.


Filmed at various locations in Paris and Brussels, the work gravitates around the reconstructed Art Deco style Louxor Cinema, while simultaneously guiding the viewer through images and spaces of replication and appropriation: an exhibition of 3D printed duplicates of Ancient Egyptian artefacts, sequences of the violent destruction of monuments in Hollywood cinema, and a dog resembling Anubis wandering aimlessly in a forest.  Egyptomania stems from colonial and imperialist politics, expropriated artefacts, and processes of cultural distortion.

The film’s text, written and narrated by Palekaitė, alternates between Lithuanian and English, combining critical theory with a disembodied voice lamenting upon the loss of its identity through its displacement and perpetual reproduction.


30 minutes
in English & Lithuanian with English subtitles


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