Voor Ons/Pour Nous Ula Sickle/kleinVerhaal
performance, dance
FR 06.11.2015 21:00
SA 07.11.2015 21:00

Canadian-Polish choreographer and performer Ula Sickle lives and works in Brussels. She makes films, installations, live performances. Last year, she created the dance performance Voor ons in collaboration with the social-artistic organisation kleinVerhaal bij de Grote Post in Ostend. For that project, she worked with five youngsters from Ostend from different backgrounds, but all of them with a love for dance and music.

These youngsters surf, stream, rip to their heart’s content but still manage to create an individual and original performance with all of that material. Voor ons turns the terms ‘globally and locally’ and ‘mass production and handmade’ inside out. Today, this dance performance is reworked with a mix of the original cast and Brussels youngsters, Voor Ons / Pour Nous.

2015, 50 min

Concept: Ula Sickle
Created with and performed by: Rosette Bodoque, Rachid Boulahrir (Insane Crew), Chelsea Kamden, Dominique Schepens, Celine Sezisoni, & Gordreche Toukou

Original creation with: Kenny Coolens

Special thanks to: Ilse Duyck, Zen Jeffersen & David Helbich

Production: kleinVerhaal, de Beursschouwburg
With the support of the Province of West Flanders, the Flemish Community, Stichting Koningin Paola


Part of Brussels Dance

see also