Eleanor Bauer & Femke Gyselinck Performance

P.A.R.T.S. Generation 6 (2002-2006)

SA 14.11.2015 21:00

Untitled Compilation
with Matthieu Bajolet, Eleanor Bauer, Yentl De Werdt, Femke Gyselinck, Tarek Halaby, Benjamin Vandewalle, Sandy Williams

(21h – 22h30 Golden Hall)

14h-18h practises (zilverzaal)
21h performance (goudenzaal)
22h30 party (zilverenzaal)

On Friday 13th and Saturday 14th you can combine your visit with the performance Edelweiss of Alix Eynaudi (ex-P.A.R.T.S. Generation I)
Friday 13 November
20:30 Edelweiss @ Kaaistudio’s
22:00: P.A.R.T.S. Generation I @ Beursschouwburg

Saturday 14 November
19:00 Edelweiss @ Kaaistudio’s
21:00: P.A.R.T.S. Generation VI @ Beursschouwburg


Part of Brussels Dance

see also