Carolina Mendonça & Catalina Insignares useless land

Prepare a soft-surfaced island at your home, and connect to a collective terrain, a space where sleeping is a way of understanding the world. Where voices trickle gently into the ears, weaving stories. A wasteland.

online reading, sleepover
SA 14.11.2020 23:00 online

A need to trust the temporary community of people we sleep with, a need to accompany each other through the distance. The global of the collective unconscious, of the globalized vulnerability, and the local of the flesh, of the ghosts present in this city and not others. A vigil state where we can be together in dissension, with our different languages and dreams, in a state between alertness and sleep. The night offers us some hours to linger and listen. 

useless land is the reading of a compilation of fictional and theoretical texts about a pre-industrial-revolution world. These texts draw a cognitive map of possibilities with regard to our relationship with and perspective on the environment, animals, ghosts, plants, and more.

- The reading / performance will start at 23h and finish with the rising of the sun, we will accompany one another during those 8 hours.

- You may sleep or wake while you listen, your sleep will probably not be the same than a full night sleep, we advise you plan some resting time the day after.

- After registration, you will receive a link so you can connect from your home.

- If you live with more people we encourage you to make a sleeping gathering so you can be more than one person listening in a big common bed.

In English


Carolina Mendonça, based in Brussels, works with dance, theatre, and visual arts, allowing for a cross-pollination of knowledge and an openness towards different logics. She graduated in Performing Arts at ECA-USP in São Paulo and attained a Master in Choreography and Performance at Giessen University in Germany with a DAAD Scholarship. Carolina has collaborated with artists such as Catalina Insignares, Dudu Quintanilha, Volmir Cordeiro and Marcelo Evelin and has presented work at festivals such as Kyoto Experiment, Festival d`Automnne, Tanz in August, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, and Impulztanz, among others.

Catalina Insignares is a dancer and choreographer. Born in Bogota, now living and working in Paris, she studied dance in Canada and France as well as Choreography and Performance at Giessen University in Germany. As a choreographer, she’s looking for that moment when dance, touch and movement generate unintelligible, unapologetic subjectivities and collectivities. Her work is mainly created through collaborations (Else Tunemyr, Miriam Schulte, Larisa Crunteanu, Zuzana Zabkova, Carolina Mendonça) in the areas of staging, dramaturgy, teaching and performing. Since 2017 she has worked with choreographer Myriam Lefkowitz as a performer as well as in a collaboration that finds ways to infiltrate sensorial practices derived from their works in diverse social contexts. She is presently engaged in the third cycle of the research programme THIRD at DAS School in Amsterdam.


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