Workspace station A discussion on the Archive and the Archipelago

A shared reflection on what could constitute a Diasporic Library. What items move in and out of that space, and how to translate such movement in publishing and archiving practices?

SA 25.06.2022 16:00 - 18:00

In the form of a roundtable discussion, we will explore a common ground for cultural heritage to be shared and disseminated across a landscape of diasporic voices. Thinking of Brussels as an archipelago, we question how a diasporic library can function as the water that links, ties and brings together fragmented realities in the form of a collection of words, images and sensibilities.

A project conceived and made in collaboration with Isabelle N'Diaye and The Kitchen.

English will be the main language of conversation, feel free to contribute in Dutch or French.

Book your ticket (free), max 20 people >> reservation
Spontaneous guests are also welcome!

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