Creative Mornings #18: Lidija Globokar

Creative Mornings et une série de conférences mensuelles pour esprits créatifs. À cette occasion, des experts prennent la parole pour traiter des sujets les plus variés, où une place importante à laissée aux discussions informelles, tout en se délectant d'un bon café et de délicieux croissants !

SA 18.03.2016 08:30

Born in Germany to Slovenian parents, Lidija grew up bilingually and “biculturally”. She started her European adventure with the BA program “Languages and Business”, which took her from Germany to France and Ireland.

An internship in the office of one of the Slovenian MEPs in Brussels triggered her passion for the EU and inspired her to come back to Brussels for an Executive Master’s in Communications and European Affairs. As part of her Master’s, Lidija got chosen for the Blue Book Traineeship program of the European Commission.

Project 668 was born during her traineeship at the European Commission. Throughout the years it has grown into a European community of young professionals, aiming to fight youth unemployment by promoting professional development. Lidija considers herself a true “Europhile”, embracing the European spirit that together we are stronger. This is also incorporated in “Sharing is Caring”, one of the main principles of Project 668.

She participated at the Asia-Europe Foundation Young Leaders Summit (ASEFYLS), taking place in Luxembourg in November 2015, on the main theme of “Entrepreneurship and youth employment”. On the topic of “Social Entrepreneurship & Cooperative”, Lidija drafted together with the other participants a call for action that was presented at the ASEM Foreign Ministers meeting.

In 2016, Lidija made it on the first Forbes 30 Under 30 Europe list, in the Policy category, for her work on Project 668 and fighting youth unemployment in Europe.

Part of a series on Change
Change is omnipresent in our every day lives. Yet, how can we actively engage in creating change in our community and finally change ourselves? At CreativeMornings Brussels, Lidija will tell us how she built Project 668, an NGO fighting youth unemployment that changed the path of many young professionals and also changed herself.

En spoken

doors 8:30
talk 9:00
20’ talk + Q&A

see also