We Are Paris

Dans le cadre de la Conférence sur le Climat à Paris, la Vrije Universiteit Brussel a donné vie à We Are Paris. Un projet pour lequel des étudiants assument leur rôle en tant que citoyens actifs en se penchant sur neuf points critiques de la problématique du climat sur WeAreParis.be et à l’occasion de différents événements sur le campus et ailleurs à Bruxelles.

closing event, débat, dj set
WE 09.12.2015 20:00

La Closing Night constituera la clôture festive célébrant le succès du projet et les étudiants auront alors l’occasion de prendre la parole afin de lancer un message clair au public et au monde politique afin d’agir pour un futur meilleur.

20:00 Closing statement by our students:

  • Testimonials and skype session with Paris
  • Debate
    22:00 Party with Mensch, Erger je Niet!

NL/EN spoken

William Boeva
measures 1m37 on his left and 1m42 on his right side, but he is armed with a very assertive big mouth and a 5 cm high tuft. In 2013 he won Humo’s Comedy Cup and his current one man show ‘Megalomaan’ sells like sweet pies. As a police officer / school teacher he will boss around the debate of the We Are Paris Closing Night: one by one or bakkes!

Philippe Claeys & Eric Corijn
We are very happy that two of our academic eminences want to take up the role of the famous muppets Waldorf & Statler. Dr. Philippe Claeys is a geologist, planetary scientist and geochemist interested in documenting the consequences of asteroid and comet impacts on the evolution of the biogeosphere. He currently heads the interdisciplinary research unit Earth System Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Dr. Eric Corijn is a cultural philosopher and social scientist, professor (em.) social & cultural geography and plays a leading role in the Brussels Academy and the Brussels Studies Institute. Be careful, they may be grumpy. :-)

To finish off on a groovy tone, We Are Paris invites “Mensch, Erger Je Niet” as its closing remark. This phosphate free local deejay duo, literally living behind the corner, will come on foot. They love 7″ singles and the craft of analogue deejaying. Their sound is an ‘Aha Erlebnis’ from all time. As Brussel Brost residents for many years now, Jonas and Zeno are well appreciated by the Brussels Student Population, but also Pukkelpop and Laundry Day fell for their authentic vinyl charm. Tsjik tsjak vollenbak, quoi!

We Are Paris

In the light of the Climate Conference in Paris, Vrije Universiteit Brussel set up We Are Paris, a project where students take up their role as active citizens and give attention to nine hot climate topics via WeAreParis.be and several events on and off campus. The closing night will serve as a festive moment to celebrate the success of the project and to look back and give a strong message to the public and politicians to act for a better future.


This event is a co-organisation of Beursschouwburg & Vrije Universiteit Brussel

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