Daisy Darkpark

Daisy Darkpark sends you, as a private detective, on a mission through the barracks of Ixelles. Best from dusk onwards.

music walk, elsene

"Who else has a fetish for the private detective? When BSB asked me to make this music walk, I had just finished watching The Singing Detective. Its mystique took hold of me. Like a character from Hitchcock’s Rear Window, I began to invent my own detective experience while staring at the See U site from my apartment window. My walk takes you on a mission through the barracks of Ixelles, where federal police as well as creative minds have replaced the former Gendarmerie Royale. I advise you to start your walk from dusk onwards. I’ll be watching from my window." — Daisy Darkpark

1. Find your way to the START at Anpa, Avenue de la Force Aérienne, 1040 Etterbeek
2. Get your charged phone and earphones out.
3. Press play.
4. Follow the route on the map, you can also open the map in a new window click here
5. The project is in a testing-testing-testing phase, so WE <3 FEEDBACK at hello@beursschouwburg.be

Daisy Darkpark is the music-producing second self of Belgian multi-media experimentalist Femke Fredrix, currently hiding out in Brussels.

see also