Pak Yan Lau

A flowing line, almost straight, guides you through this musical meditation.

music walk, Sint-Pieters-Leeuw

“Wearing headphones is like inviting the magic in and locking the unwanted out.
A cocoon. A world just for you.
A soundtrack to a mood.
Your moves, your dreams.
To forget, for a moment.

The water. The industry.
Close, but yet far.
The (almost) straight line.

New meaning to the eyes through the ears.

(I have always been attracted to canals and water roads.
Maybe because of my roots (HK) and my upbringing (Antwerp).
There is a kind of timelessness when water is involved. Or time passes differently.
Wear good headphones, and just keep walking. Choose a sunny day to make this walk!)”

— Pak Yan Lau

In this On The Go piece, all music is composed and all instruments/objects are played by Pak Yan Lau. 

1. Find your way to the START at Vaartkant-oost 5 in 1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
2. Get your charged phone and earphones out.
3. Press play.
4. Follow the route on the map, you can also open the map in a new window click here
5. The project is in a testing-testing-testing phase, so WE <3 FEEDBACK at

Pak Yan Lau is a Brussels based musician, with roots from Hong Kong. Her music spans different horizons with improvisation and sound/textures as the main focus. She works with prepared pianos, keyboards, toy pianos, objects and electronics. She is active in different projects, from grooving (‘Going’) till abstract structuring (‘Lauroshilau’, ‘Duo pour 454 Chordes’). She has made music for dance theater, shadow theater (The Fabulous Choi Sisters), photographs (Stills) and documentaries.

Pic by Mich Leemans

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