Julien Fournet Amis, il faut faire une pause

A break. Falling with abandon into a cascade, bathing in basins, finding events, consent to paths, let oneself succumb to the waves. Finally, sinking into the knees in algae to feel their complete vitality.

FR 25.11.2016 20:30 Part I
SA 26.11.2016 20:30 Part I
FR 02.12.2016 20:30 Part II
SA 03.12.2016 20:30 Part II
WE 07.12.2016 20:30 Part III
TH 08.12.2016 20:30 Part III

We leave our shoes behind, drinking herbal tea, making origamis. We lie on the ground, playing, wandering, toying with clay.

This "green school trip" is a philosophical and burlesque exploration encompassing our everyday actions: encountering our culture. Using our tools and in an unusual way, we try to rewire the perilous ties between art, ethics and politics with one resolution: making oneself available for new relations to things, works and events.

Amis, il faut faire une pause / Vrienden, tijd voor een pauze consists of 3 parts that can be watched separately or as a series.

Belgian premiere
NL/FR spoken

►1st PART - Spectateurs de tous les pays, unissez-vous / Toeschouwers aller landen, verenigt u
Fr 25 & Sa 26.11 - 20:30
Rivières, cascades et bassins / Rivieren, meren en vijvers

►2nd PART – La culture, c’est dangereux / Cultuur, op eigen risico
Fr 2 & Sa 3.12 - 20:30
Forêts et clairières / Bossen en open plekken

►3rd PART – Manifeste pour une nouvelle guilde de créateurs / Manifest voor een nieuwe scheppersgilde
We 7 & Th 8.12 - 20:30
Plages et écumes / Strand en zee

Concept/ Text: Julien Fournet
Collaboration & performance: Diederik Peeters
Visuals: Sébastien Vial
Construction: Arnaud Verlet
Advice: Anna Czapski
Outside-eye: Olivier Bosson
Thanks to: Antoine Defoort
Vidéo in "Spectateurs": Belinda Annaloro, Antoine Defoort,  Halory Goerger, Julien Fournet, Sébastien Vial
Production: Amicale de production
Co-production: Le Phénix (FR), Beursschouwburg
Partners: Grand Théâtre (Groningen)
With the support of: Le Lieu Unique (Nantes)
Thanks to: Vivat (Armentières)

L’amicale de production is a production house which has been associated with Beursschouwburg since early 2013 (until the end of 2016). Most of the time, they straddle fine arts and theatre.


LE PASS > €40 for the complete series of On a préparé des spectacles (5 performances in 3 different venues: Beursschouwburg / Theâtre Les Tanneurs / Vâria)

see also