Carolina Bianchi

Carolina Bianchi is a Brazilian theatre maker, performer and writer, currently based in Amsterdam and recently graduated from the DAS Theatre Master program. Her practices are developed between theatre and performance, where theory and practice are inseparable. Her works depart from a crisis perspective to launch confabulations about gender violence, historical pacts, whose practices intend an erotic approximation with history - sensorial and sacrificial, blurring the time line. Her staging is a combination of different references from literature, cinema and painting, filled with musical mashups and a constant confrontation with everything that seems to be an absolute truth. She is director of the collective CARA DE CAVALO (Horse’s Face) from São Paulo, with whom she  created the pieces: O Tremor Magnífico (The Magnificent Tremor) - 2020, LOBO (Wolf) - 2018, the outdoor performance Quiero hacer el amor (I wanna make love) - 2017, and the lecture performance Mata-me de Prazer (Kill me by Pleasure) - 2016.

Carolina is currently developing the project CADELA FORÇA (Bitch Strength). The project comprehends a tryptic, formed by three pieces that compose a Dantesque Infernal circle in approximation with stories of rape followed by femicide from the 90’s until now, passing through the problematic of documenting a rape and the brotherhood between male cis persons as part of a system of language that perpetuates violence against woman. The first piece of the project, The bride and the goodnight Cinderella, will premiere in Europe in 2023. In her residency at Beursschouwburg, Carolina will start writing the second piece of the project, The Rape Scene.

Within the residency she invites the audience to her programme In Harm’s Way, a conversation about sexual violence, self-defense and artistic strategies (15 - 18 March 2023).


picture by Mayra Azzi

see also