MONOLITHE NOIR EP release party + Romeo Poirier + Simon Halsberghe + Elsie Dx + Sebastien Forrester

Dancing to deep drones and dark melodies.

concert, album release
FR 08.02.2019 22:00

Antoine Pasqualini was once a pop musician in France, his homeland. When he moved to Brussels, he became Monolithe Noir, an ambient composer with drones and modular synths. A dark and massive monolith of sound. And yet… Pop is never far away: the drums, the melodies, the glimpses of light at the edges of his dark universe. All these make Monolithe Noir a surprising and danceable trip, in, through and out of the darkness. Tonight he launches his brand new EP and brings along a number of guest artists. Stay tuned...

Part of NORMAL SCHNORMAL, a multidisciplinary programme on normality and other deviations.


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