New date! Thibaut Crassin, Marie Datcharry, François Mardirossian & Claryana Sotero
Tickets for the concert: €15
Tickets for the workshop: €8, booking and details:
The workshop has a limited capacity so make sure to book the ticket of your kid on time!
Free baby-sitting has a limited capacity, just send an email to to let us know.
Origami Ensemble
Workshop especially dedicated to kids between 3 and 12 hosted by the non profit organization Mus-E! Kids will collect and then photograph little objects of their direct environment to compose little sculptures. They'll have the occasion to work on the shadows and the lights of the sculptures and the way to capture this while photographing the sculptures.
€8/kid. Please apply via
Aphex Twin (1971 - ), Avril 14h
Graham Fitkin (1963 - ), Flak
Michel Lysight (1958 - ), Métaphores
Moondog (1916-1999), Bird's Lament
Moondog (1916-1999), Barn Dance
John Adams (1947 - ), Hallelujah Junction
Arvo Pärt (1935 - ), Fratres
Ryuichi Sakamoto (1952 - ), Furyo
Graham Fitkin (1963 - ), Sciosophy
The non profit organization Mus-E will host workshops during the concert. The workshops will be animated by professional artists. They'll focus on a new thematic each afternoon, and will invite the kids to explore their imaginary world and their creativity with little found objects of their daily life. A creative way to bring magic back in the game!
And we're still having a nice a friendly baby-sitter for the little ones under three, and it's for free!
With the support of Ars Musica & Musiq3
Doors open at 2.30 pm, the concert starts at 3 pm.
Duration: 1 hour