Food, land and gender justice: decolonial ecology as a daily praxis

Myriam Bahaffou will open the Tashweesh festival with a lecture that examines food justice through an ecofeminist and decolonial lens.

WE 09.10.2024 18:30 + talk

Myriam will explore how food issues are deeply intertwined with questions of gender, race, species, and colonial histories, offering fresh insights into the fight for a more just and sustainable future. Join us for an engaging talk that invites us to rethink the connections between feminism, decolonial thought, and the climate crisis today.


Myriam Bahaffou is a doctoral student in feminist philosophy (at the Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Centre Universitaire de Recherches sur l'Action Publique et le Politique - CURAPP), an ecofeminist activist, an aquaphile fascinated by sea cucumbers, a joyful antispeciesist and an outspoken eropolitician. Her work takes an intersectional approach to antispeciesism, focusing on the dynamics of animalisation and humanisation of minorities, particularly racial minorities. Her book "Des paillettes sur le compost, écoféminismes au quotidien" was published by Le passager clandestin in 2022.

in English

talk moderated by Yasmine Wardi Akrimi

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