Benjamin Kahlmeyer (DE) Meanwhile in Mamelodi

A new South Africa

WE 17.10.2012 20:30

At the very moment that South Africa scores its first goal at the 2010 World Cup, director Benjamin Kahlmeyer follows the Mtswenis family in one of the poorest districts of the Mamelodi township. Their world is one of ramshackle slums and open sewers. Paterfamilias Steven sells vuvuzelas in his ‘tuck shop’, while teenage daughter Mosquito dreams with her schoolfriends about football gods Schweinsteiger and Torrès. Their daily struggle and hope for a better future parallels the opportunities for their national team. The excitement and anticipation are tangible, a new Africa announces itself. But after the World Cup finishes, life in Mamelodi continues as before. Nevertheless, Meanwhile in Mamelodi is no cynical story. The rich colour palette and delightful camera work injects fresh blood into this weighty subject and illustrates the family’s unwavering hope. An exceptionally worthy effort by graduating filmmaker Benjamin Kahlmeyer who makes a remarkable début with this film.

Subtitles in English

In English

ZA/DE, 2011, 75’

see also