facing violence

a programme on quiet refusal, self-defense and riot

music, performance, expo, conversation, film

Violence is everywhere. On the 24/7 news cycle, scrolling down our screens, seething at a distance or looming close to home. When it doesn’t blow out in words it can pin us down under heavy boots, biased laws and towering hierarchies. Violence can be overwhelming, enraging and numbing, and in some cases, it can provoke immediate action.

How can we relate, react and reflect on violence when we keep experiencing it in our bodies, environments, technologies, bureaucracies, norms and narratives? What about the bodies that are constantly on alert, (dis)armed, ready to strike back? Can we practice violence as resistance when life is at stake? Can we build (unlikely) alliances, share strategies and face the harm together?

Let’s try out some things. Let’s share our thoughts, anger, love and research. Let’s resist, refuse, contradict – even ourselves – defend, listen, dance and learn. Let’s have a spring programme filled with performances, expos, concerts, films, workshops and conversations. Let’s look the pain and each other in the eyes. Let’s face violence together.


Join us for

3 days on borders, fences, walls and hijacking public space 16 – 18 FEB, FREE
2 days of coming together and gentle resistance 3 – 4 MAR, FREE
a conversation about sexual violence, self-defense and artistic strategies 16 – 18 MAR, FREE

and for

conversations on facing violence with Olave Nduwanje 2, 8 & 16 MARCH, FREE

and for more.



with Léa Drouet, Elsa Dorlin, Black(s) To The Future, Olave Nduwanje Basabose, Basel Zaraa, Baobab van de Teranga, Sana Ghobbeh, Salma Said, Miriam Coretta-Schulte, Jija Sohn, Pierre-Patrice "Pépé" Kasses, Brahim Tall, Fatoosan, Gosia Wdowik, Carolina Mendonça, Carolina Bianchi, Pallavi Paul, Ligia Lewis, Fallon Mayanja, Joachim Ben Yakoub, Tarek Lakhrissi, Mawena Yehouessi, Ne Touche Pas A Ma Pote/Blijf van mijn lijf, Ola Hassanain, Collectif Mémoire Coloniale et Lutte contre les Discriminations, nadjim bigou-fathi, soto labor, Julia Reist, Aleksandra Lemm, State Of The Arts, Jyoti Mistry, Guy Woueté, Maël Galisson …

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