A blend of painting, sculpture and choreography seeks to escape the world of categories, heading towards the unknown. 

FR 16.03.2018 20:30
SA 17.03.2018 20:30

'Blab' literally means jabber, foolish or mindless talk. Finnish dancer and choreographer Sonja Jokiniemi goes in search of where language fails us and mankind is part of something inhuman. She wants to think outside categories and wend her way towards the unknown: where the human and the thing become one.

On stage, we see three bodies in motion, seeking out one another and their surroundings as complements or as partners in dialogue. In a meticulously clever scenography, bodies remain suspended somewhere in between sculpture, painting and the performing arts. This is a true visual caress, a philosophical indulgence for the mind!


duration: 60 min


Concept, choreography and visualization: Sonja Jokiniemi, Performers: Ivo Serra, Mira Kautto, Sara Gurevitsch, Lighting design: Heikki Paasonen, Textiles: in collaboration with Janina Silvennoinen, Performance photos: Simo Karisalo, Producer: Riikka Thitz, Co-production: Zodiak – Center for New Dance, Moving in November festival, Regional Dance Centre of Eastern Finland (ITAK), Veem House for Performance, Residency support: Arsenic Theatre, Regional Dance Centre of Eastern Finland (ITAK), ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival, Pianofabriek Kunstenwerkplaats, STUK - House for Dance, Image & Sound, wpZimmer, With support of: Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike), Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, Samuel Huberin Taidesäätiö

This project has received support from the TelepART Mobility Support Platform. The TelepART project’s mission is to promote artistic collaboration between Finland and the Benelux countries.

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