Damien Dubrovnik (DK) + Cremation Lily (UK)
SA 12.02.2016 21:00

Formed in 2009, Damien Dubrovnik is a Danish electronic duo of Christian Stadsgaard and Loke Rahbek (Lust for Youth, Croatian Amor), founders of the Copenhagen based record label Posh Isolation (Communions, Skullflower, Sexdrome, Marching Church, Iceage, Lower, Puce Mary). In their day job as label managers, Stadsgaard and Rahbek have been instrumental in establishing the city’s unique and prolific noise and punk community.

They are legendary for their chaotic live performances and the various associated bodily fluids that present themselves therein.

Cremation Lily is a power electronics project by UK-based artist Zen Zsigo. It's harsh, sometimes rhythmic noise with underlying dark melodies and atmospherics.

With Buzz On Your Lips

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