Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert/CAMPO: Don't we deserve grand human projects that give us meaning?

How do you deal with the universal human urge to be part of a greater whole?

FR 31.03.2017 21:00 premiere
SA 01.04.2017 21:00

October 2016: A gigantic index finger is ‘walking’ around the Beurs Café, followed by … another gigantic index finger! Perhaps you were there, and perhaps you instantly knew that you were experiencing a work by the Ghent art team, Frank & Robbert Robbert & Frank.

Spring 2017: High five – they are back! This time, the index fingers are no longer just to be admired in the café, but have taken over the theatre stage. Then, after a few months of diligent work, Frank & Robbert Robbert & Frank will present a full-scale, completely new performance, which will premiere during Performatik17.*

In Don't We Deserve Grand Human Projects that Give Us Meaning?, two fascinating image makers set out on a quest to make sense of a world without a Great Story. They do this in a way that is all their own: with a strong visual logic, and with a wink of the eye to space travel and science.

In the past, Frank & Robbert Robbert & Frank were often the mechanical engineers who set off the transformations of scenes and images. In this performance, for the first time. they will be part of their own installations and designs. The artists split and duplicate themselves, like true atoms in an imaginary world filled with primary colours, a world sharply delineated against the pure white landscape in which they find themselves.

FROM & WITH: Frank & Robbert Robbert&Frank
COACHING: Pol Heyvaert
RÉPÉTITEUR: Charlotte Vanden Eynde
VOICE-OVER Jonathan Beaton
THANKS TO: Arne Wastyn
COPRODUCTION: Beursschouwburg Brussels (BE) & PACT Zollverein Essen (DE)

Performatik17, organized together with others partners in Brussels, will take place in the intriguing twilight zone where makers tamper with the codes of the visual and the performing arts.

see also