BERLIN Jerusalem [#1.2]

Jerusalem, a city permanently expanding in the shadow of its monumental architecture. A cauldron of conflicting interests, the centre of current world politics. All fractures meet there, in the navel of the world.

video, theater, live
FR 21.02.2014 20:30
SA 22.02.2014 20:30

Jerusalem [#1], the first performance by BERLIN in 2003, became a city portrait on three screens. Images of East and West, the calvary, a party at the Wailing Wall, Friday prayer, the security wall, a Palestinian bagpipe rehearsal, refugee camp Shufat, the checkpoints, an orthodox moon walk.

The 2003 performance remains topical. In 2013, ten years after the film recordings for the first performance of Jerusalem, BERLIN visits the holy city once more. Interviewees were called on once again, images superimposed, a discussion repeated. Jerusalem revisited.

Peter Van Laerhoven composed the soundtrack and worked with a number of musicians for the writing and live performance of the new music.

On Friday 21.02 aftertalk with Bart Baele/ Yves Degryse.

Subtitles in Dutch/French

In English, Arabic & French

BE, 2013, 1u 15min

Concept: BERLIN (Bart Baele and Yves Degryse)
Music: Peter Van Laerhoven
21 February: Eric Thielemans, Peter Van Laerhoven, Tristan Driessens and Katelijn Van Kerckhoven
22 February: Eric Thielemans, Peter Van Laerhoven, Tristan Driessens and Tine Hubrechts
Production: BERLIN
Co-production: TEMPS D’IMAGES / CENTQUATRE – Paris (FR), PACT ZOLLVEREIN – Essen (DE), La Comédie de Valence - Centre dramatique national Drôme Ardèche (FR) et Le Lux, Scène nationale de Valence (FR), SPIELART Festival/Münchner Kammerspiele, München (DE)
BERLIN is artiste associé in CENTQUATRE – Paris.
Support: Vlaamse Gemeenschap

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