Milo Rau The Moscow Trials

The project The Moscow Trials resumes the history of the dispute between 
artists and orthodox believers – in the form of political theatre.

SA 29.03.2014 20:30 BE premiere

In 2012, images from the trial of members of Pussy Riot caused indignation around the globe. In Russia itself, though, the event was merely viewed as an almost commonplace expression of the oppression exerted by Putin’s Russia on “dissident” art.

In March 2013, Milo Rau, the Swiss founder of the International Institute of Political Murder, thematises this issue by drawing on the techniques of political theatre: a courtroom was set up at the Moscow Sakharov Center to provide a stage for a three-day show trial. Rau assembles real-life actors (artists, politicians, church leaders, citizens and lawyers) in a fictional court: art confronted with religion, “dissident” Russia confronted with the “real” Russia. The result is a “trial-show” in which the missions and limits of critical art are heard.

The 3-day-trial, stormed by the Russian authorities and by units of the Cossacks, led to an international scandal and a travel ban against the director Milo Rau. The film The Moscow Trials documents the project and illuminates the historical and political backgrounds.

Subtitles in English

In Russian

90 min + after talk with Milo Rau and Helena Kritis

Concept and direction: Milo Rau
Camera: Markus Tomsche
Sound: Jens Baudisch
Stage: Anton Lukas
Assistant director: Yanina Kochtova
Editing: Lena Rem
Production: Arne Birkenstock

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