The Political Party

One concludes a political programme with a political party, that’s what we think!

closing event
SA 29.03.2014 22:00

That’s why we’re inviting politicians to come and defend their point of view based on their favorite records. What would a politician choose to set your feet tapping? Which politician makes you happy with music to get you dancing? Which dj would get your vote?

Pascal & Miet Smet will be there. Meyrem Almaci will be there. Kris Peeters will be there. Elio Di Rupo will be there. Geert Bourgeois, too. And Maggy De Block, of course. And if she comes, then Bart De Wever will, too. And Laurete Onkelinx. And we shouldn’t forget Bruno and Louis Tobback. Even Wouter Van Besien is coming. Jef Tavernier has also confirmed. Just as Paul Magnette. Johan Crombez is not yet certain but is really interested. Mohamed Ouriaghli is very enthusiastic. Tu Quoque?

It’ll be one of those parties we’ll be talking about for years. That’s the way we do it here!

with Pascal Smet & Ans Persoons (sp.a), Karine Lalieux (PS), Sander Roelandt (NV-A), DJ-trio Bianca Debaets, Brigitte Grouwels & Benjamin Dalle (CD&V), DJ-duo Annemie Maes & Bart Dhondt (GROEN), Evelyn Huytebroeck & Arnaud Pinxteren (ECOLO), Guy Vanhengel (Open Vld), DJ Begrotingstekort (BSB resident) and many more ....

Concept: Ive Stevenheydens

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