Jota Mombaça until the last morning

A reflection on the 2021 flash floods in Europe, contemplating the reversal of cities into swamps while exploring global atmospheric phenomena.

looped screening
TH 21.03.2024 13:00 - 23:00
FR 22.03.2024 13:00 - 23:00
SA 23.03.2024 12:00 - 23:00

until the last morning, Jota Mombaça, 2023, 13’51", Guinea-Bissau Creole ST EN

Looking at the devastating flash floods of 2021 that affected parts of Belgium, Germany and surrounding countries, Mombaça conjures up a reversal—what of cities that again turn into swamps, a form of dissolution fascists went in terror of (‘Drenare la palude!’, once howled a determined Benito Mussolini) throughout the twentieth century? From Berlin’s locality, we shift our gaze towards a planetary predicament: that of atmospheric phenomena continuously threatening terminal collapse across disparate geographies. 

until the last morning (2023), a newly commissioned video work, was shot among the mangroves and marshlands of Pará, in the Brazilian Amazon. Covering about 700,000 hectares, these mangroves and marshlands depend on a constant influx of freshwater from rainfall and from the Guajará Bay rivers and streams. To that end, the camera pans to the sky, observing cloud formations, their movements and manoeuvres. The ecosystem’s survival depends on this unpredictable choreography—to observe the weather is thus to forecast whether or not a line of continuity can be drawn into the future. 


Jota Mombaça is an interdisciplinary artist whose work unfolds in a variety of mediums. The sonic and visual matter of words plays an important role in her practice, which often relates to anti-colonial critique and gender disobedience. Her work has been presented in several institutional frameworks, such as the 32nd and 34th São Paulo Biennale (2016 and 2020/2021), the 22nd Sydney Biennale (2020), the 10th Berlin Biennale (2018) and the 46th Salon Nacional de Artistas in Colombia (2019). Currently, she have been interested in researching elemental forms of sensing, anti-colonial imagination and the relation between opacity and self-preservation in the experience of racialized trans artists in the Global Art World.


commissioned by CCA Berlin - Center for Contemporary Arts

creation and direction | Jota Mombaça
videographer | Luana Peixe
editor | Darwin Marinho
sound | Anti RibeiroF
executive production | Pedro Yared Lima

see also