Myriam Lefkowitz How Can One Know in Such Darkness?

Closing one's eyes in the dark, the boundaries between touch and imagination may become quite porous.

TH 21.03 15:00 - 21:00
SA 23.03 13:00 - 21:00

In 'How Can One Know in Such Darkness?' a small group of spectators are invited by the performers to lie down and close their eyes. The performers activate different materials and objects of various shapes to make contact — sound or tactile — with the lying bodies. With their eyes closed, the spectators experience this contact without being able to clearly know who touches, what is touching, how long does it touch, when does the touch start, when does it end… What moves here are the apparently inanimate elements that compose the surrounding in which the receivers of this practice are plunged into. A vagueness occurs between what you feel, what you imagine, what you are reminded of, what you think about… Between sleep and wakefulness, other kinds of images appear from this liminal space.

Considering sensing and imagining as a simultaneous activity, 'How can one know in such darkness?' enables to experience how it is to sense together, in a situation of collective composition and listening that embraces perceptive illusion and the porousness of the body.

'How Can One Know in Such Darkness' will be performed by Jean Philippe Derail, Thierry Grapotte, Catalina Insignares, Julie Laporte, Joris Laprade, Amandine Lesca, Myriam Lefkowitz, Amina Szecsödy and Yasmine Youcef.


Myriam Lefkowitz is a performance artist, born in 1980, based in Paris. Since 2010, her research is focused on questions of attention and perception, a research which she is developping through different practices involving a direct encounter between spectators and performers. Her work has been presented at the Venice Biennale (Lithuanien and Cyprus Pavillon), the MOT (Tokyo), De Appel (Amsterdam), Le Nouveau Festival (Centre Pompidou), The Bergen Triennal, The Kadist Foundation (Paris), the Talbot Rice Gallery (Edimbourg), Bétonsalon (Paris), La Ferme du Buisson (Noisiel), La Galerie (Noisy le Sec)... In 2011, she took part in the master of experimentation in Art and Politics (SPEAP, Science Po Paris) founded by the philosopher Bruno Latour. She became a tutor in the programme in 2013. In 2018, she was commissioned by If I Can’t Dance I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution (Amsterdam). She is currently pursuing her research in the context of la facultad, a long term project conceived with the performing artist Catalina Insignares – adressed to people in situation of exile and migration, is teaching at l'école nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs (Paris) and is starting to work with orality, exploring how dance can happen, be shared and described outside from its usual context of appearance. 


image | Jean Philippe Derail


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