Table ronde autour des pédagogies radicales

A round table to open a discussion based on concrete pedagogical experiences in schools and universities with Dénètem Touam Bona, Manel Ben Boubaker and Peggy Pierrot moderated by our associated artists nadjim bigou-fathi and soto labor.

TH 21.03.2024 20:30

in French

Based on the collective work 'Entrer en pédagogie antiraciste' ("Entering antiracist pedagogy", SHED publishing, 2023), which analyses the mechanisms and manifestations of racism in school, this round table aims to open a discussion based on concrete pedagogical experiences in schools and universities. The aim is to take critical stock of structural racism in the subjects being taught and in the teaching and assessment methods. The meeting aims to share tools to transform teaching practices and imagine future ones.

This panel will bring together Manel Ben Boubaker, a radical educationalist and history and geography teacher at a secondary school in Seine-Saint-Denis, Peggy Pierrot, an intellectual worker and teacher at the erg (Ecole de recherches graphiques, Brussels) and Dénètem Touam Bona, a philosopher and artist who has taught in French Guiana and Mayotte.


nadjim bigou-fathi (1990, FR) is a designer, visual artist and performer. He is interested in the emergence of boundaries – from walls to words – and the normative, territorial or authoritarian dynamics that underpin them. Through curatorial, sculptural and performance projects, he examines situations of expectation and anticipation, questioning the power relations between participants.


soto labor (1993, FR) is a poet, visual artist and performer. Strongly influenced by hip-hop as a means of empowerment, he explores different forms of narrative and performance, while examining the conditions under which discourse is exercised. He produces short stories, fables, poems and rap lyrics as critical tools.


Peggy Pierrot is an independent intellectual worker, teacher and researcher (on software, the social sciences, popular cultures and black Atlantic diasporas). She teaches media theory and speculative fiction at ERG in Brussels, Belgium, where she lives. In collaboration with artist and educator Flavio Rodrigo, she also runs a course on reversing the epistemology of art history. In addition to her research and rereading of mainstream history, she defends and teaches digital alternatives to platform capitalism.


Manel Ben Boubaker is a radical educationalist and a history and geography teacher at a secondary school in Seine-Saint-Denis, with a degree in history and political science from the University of Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne. She grew up in Paris and began her activism in pro-Palestinian groups, before joining feminist and anti-racist collectives. She coordinated the three anti-racist courses run by SUD Éducation 93, leading workshops on decolonising school curricula and the pedagogy of bell hooks. She is a union trainer on anti-racism, decolonial feminism and sexist and sexual violence. She contributes articles on these topics to both activist magazines (AssiegéEs, Censored, Deuxième Page and Les Utopiques) and academic journals (Les cahiers du LCD, Le Télémaque). Besides co-hosting the Instagram account Les Invisibles de l'Histoire, she writes poetry, notably for the cabaret Mange Tes Mots, as well as fiction.

Dénètem Touam Bona, philosopher and artist, seeks to rethink the question of refuge in light of the historical experience of marooning (the arts of escaping from slavery). Faced with the ongoing abolition of asylum rights, the extinction of living species and the growing dominance of algorithms, he calls for a revival of the maroon arts of camouflage. His books include ‘Cosmopoéticas do réfugio’ (Cultura e barbarie, 2020), ‘Sagesse des lianes’ (Post Editions, 2021) and ‘Fugitive, where are you running?’ (Polity press, 2023). In 2021 - 2022, at the Centre international d'art et du paysage de Vassivière, Dénètem designed the Afrodiasporic exhibition ‘La sagesse des lianes’ (20 artists from the diverse territories of New Caledonia, French Guiana and Madagascar) and the collaborative work ‘Spectrographies, contes de l'île étoilée’ (with performers from Martinique, Gabon and Réunion). Supported by la Compagnie (Belsunce), his next creative project, ‘Cosmopoétiques du refuge’ (to be launched in March 2024), will have a transoceanic dimension and will be anchored in the city of Marseille. Dénètem has taught in French Guiana and Mayotte.

see also