Daniel Hellmann Full Service

Do you have a specific wish, a need, a desire?
Two performers are ready to provide any service you may desire – immediately and on-site.

interactive performance
FR 02.10.2015 19:00 BE premiere
SA 03.10.2015 19:00 - 22:00

For Daniel Hellmann and Jacques van Poppel, nothing is too much to ask: a declaration of love? A blowjob? A heated discussion? You can have it all – as long as you manage to agree on the conditions and the price.

Full Service is a game with an open ending. The performance confronts participants with their fantasies and desires in relation to the aging human body. Which desires do the two men entice in participants? Who of the two can satisfy them? We live in a society that tells consumers they can have it all: the fitness of a young body and the wisdom of an old brain. Full Service puts these promises to the test.

The performers/service providers have no limits. They are customer-friendly, accommodating and always try to reach an agreement. The fulfillment of your deepest desires will either be exciting, pleasant or disturbing!

CH/DE, 2014

Concept + performance: Daniel Hellmann
Performance: Jacques van Poppel
Dramaturgy: Wilma Renfordt
Stage Design: Theres Indermaur
Production: Daniela Lehmann

EN/FR/NL spoken


Daniel Hellmann (°1985) is a dance- and theatre maker, singer (bass-baritone) and performer whose art is at the intersection of different disciplines. He studied philosophy, singing and theatre/performance in Zurich, Lausanne and Bern. Daniel Hellmann has worked with choreographers as Costanza Macras, Silva Ricard and Cisco Aznar, he participated in workshops of Meg Stuart, Peeping Tom, Les ballets C de la B, Ivo Dimchev or Nico & the Navigators.

see also