Elvis Bonier, Evelin Brosi and Boris Van den Eynden Thirty four letters on the upper left arm

Boris Van den Eynden presents a poem by Evelin Brosi in an installation by Elvis Bonier: zesendertig letters op de linkerbovenarm.

FR 16.09.2016 19:00
SA 17.09.2016 20:00

Elvis Bonier is a visual artist. He feigns solutions to his lack of problems. Evelin Brosi, born in 1975, writes and adapts texts. Bas Devos writes and directs films, as well as designing the lighting for threatre and dance performances. Together with Michiel Soete – actor, freelance theatre maker and musician with the Rapper Rudies and I’M ILL bands – Devos creates theatre performances characterized as filmic. Everyone insists that Boris Van den Eynden (b. 1984) always be there.

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