Endi Tupja & millonaliu Earthmovers

Revealing the extractive violence inherent in the appropriation of public space and architectural heritage.

looped screening
TH 21.03.2024 13:00 - 23:00
FR 22.03.2024 13:00 - 23:00
SA 23.03.2024 12:00 - 23:00

Earthmovers, Endi Tupja & millonaliu, video 05’31”, 2020, EN ST EN 

Commons are inextricably linked to systems of exploitation. Appropriating the surroundings and the architectural inheritance of public space regardless of the consequences, is a form of extractive  violence. Earthmovers is a film essay examining the bulldozer as a significant tool of post socialists  countries’ embrace of neoliberalism, brutal wave of privatisation and dispossession of commons.  Tracing the history of the machine through different forms of languages, the film conflates the  seemingly obvious colonial violence of the past and the neo-colonial of the now with a poetic  stance on the illusion of having (un)-learnt histories of servilism and power, transformative  technology and fascism.  


Endi Tupja 
Visual artist and filmmaker, based in Berlin. Her research centres on experimenting with strategies  of memory recuperation, visuality, and the subverted geo-morphometry, influencing identity and  history. Her current focus lies on performative writing, micro biographies in the space of live  performance and video installation. Invested in exposing south to south narrations of subjugation  within the Mediterranean area, especially involving the Italian fascist project within Albania and the  legacy of the ottoman Empire in the Balkans.  

Klodiana Millona and Yuan Chun Liu are spatial practitioners working at the intersection of  architecture, research and image making. Their work focuses on the politics of invisibility in space  and invisibilized spatial practices within dominant narratives of the built environment. Positioned,  both, within architecture and its refusal, their practice often follows their respective roots in Tirana  and Taipei. 


Camera | Endi Tupja 
Script | Endi Tupja&Klodiana Millona 
CG | Yuan Chun Liu 
Sound composition | Giulia Francavilla 
Production / Editing | Klodiana Millona&Yuan Chun Liu 


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