Jessica Johnson & Ryan Ermacora Labour/Leisure

The anthropology of the invisible.

looped screening
WE 02.10.2019 12:00 - 22:00
TH 03.10.2019 12:00 - 22:00
FR 04.10.2019 12:00 - 22:00
SA 05.10.2019 12:00 - 22:00

This non-fiction short makes visible the marginalised migrant workers of Canada’s Okanagan Valley, while also exposing the artificial separations between their lives and those of fully-fledged citizens. In our first view of the workers, they appear from a distance. As the film progresses, we get closer to their faces and their lives. The meat of the film, showing the life of an industrial-scale cherry farming operation, is sandwiched between two striking images: a perfectly preened and serene golf course and a hillside villa with pool that is fenced off from the agricultural land below.

Jessica Johnson and Ryan Ermacora are Canadian filmmakers based in Vancouver, BC. The duo are keen observers of people and the landscapes they shape and inhabit.

As part of ‘We Love You’, a multidisciplinary programme on love beyond the romantic and the self - sep oct nov dec 2019.

In collaboration with Images Festival Toronto & Steffanie Ling


CA, 2019, 19’, Spanish spoken, English subtitles
Loops every 30’

see also