A feminist film about language and masculinity, featuring the Berwick Bandits, an all-male speedracing team.

looped screening
WE 07.11.2018 12:00 - 22:00
TH 08.11.2018 12:00 - 22:00
FR 09.11.2018 12:00 - 22:00
SA 10.11.2018 12:00 - 22:00

Mm is a feminist, linguistic investigation, a learning tool for children, and a celebration of motor sports. A voice-over of words and associations narrates 35mm verité footage of the Berwick Bandits, an all-male speedway motorcycle team whose mantra is, ‘No Brakes, No Gears, No Fear’.

In a kaleidoscopic documentation of spectators, riders, races and bikes, the British-American director Margaret Salmon searches for possible meanings of the letter M. She seeks out many words it forms, investigating and questioning what those words signify: masculine, motorbike, man, manufactured, manipulated, maintained, marginalized, mandatory, mighty... 

Margaret Salmon made the film with the collaboration of the Berwick Bandits. She combined the explosive speedway sounds with an exploratory voice-over and a soundtrack by the all-girl Scottish post punk band, Sacred Paws.


UK, 2017, 30’, English spoken, starts every 30’.

see also