Nicolas Provost The Painters

The Painters, a short film in which Nicolas Provost transforms the most spectacular blow-jobs and ejaculations into an alienating colour mash with picturesque qualities.

looped screening
FR 03.10.2014 19:00 - 22:00
WE 08.10.2014 12:00 - 22:00
SA 04.10.2014 12:00 - 22:00
TH 09.10.2014 12:00 - 22:00
FR 10.10.2014 12:00 - 22:00
SA 11.10.2014 12:00 - 22:00

Nicolas Provost, Belgian visual artist and cinematographer, has been making short and medium-length films since graduation and in 2011 made his full-length début with The Invader. Provost’s videos are often musings about cinema, punctuated with film clichés (taken from the cult-horror film, cops thriller and film noir genres).

Images which he films with hidden cameras or ferrets out from the margins of film history, he recycles and manipulates into poetic videos brimming with visual splendour. Provost’s exceptional attention to sound and (threatening) atmosphere add an extra significant dimension, which steals up unnoticed on the viewer.

In the 2009 Long Live the New Flesh he uses “datamoshing” or “glitch art” for the first time, a digital technique in which a faltering image compression leads to visible pixel errors and images which appear to devour each other.

At the Beurs he is showing his latest video The Painters, a short film in which he gets to work in that other major film industry - pornography. He transforms the most spectacular blow-jobs and ejaculations into an alienating colour mash with picturesque qualities.

In Language no problem

Productie: Nicolas Provost, 2014
Belgium, 2014, 4min

The show is not suitable for visitors under 16 years.

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