Caroline Creutzburg Nerve Collection

Nerve Collection is a contemplative-pamphletic solo; a stroll in the status quo. 

performance, BE premiere
FR 03.11.2017 19:00 - 19:40 BE premiere
SA 04.11.2017 19:00 - 19:40 BE premiere

Caroline Creutzburg grows a sensory thorn that records her empathies and her intolerances. She proceeds like a spy within her own nervous system: through inconspicuous behaviour she remains undetected to herself and is yet able to trace every detail. She comes upon bizarre landscapes, the perpetual pumping of aggression-veins, outdated moral principles and sacred auto-bio-matter. Accompanied by songs and costumes the findings are gathered and revealed like in an album.

concept, performance: Caroline Creutzburg 
technical direction, light: Rahel Kesselring 
video, sound: Hendrik Borowski 
supported by Kulturamt Gießen, Hessische Theaterakademie

see also