Linda Blomqvist The Sound

For her performance The Sound, the Swedish choreographer and dancer Linda Blomqvist has invited Sound to take her, Madeleine Lindh and Sandra Lolax on a trip. You are also welcome to take part of this experience. 

dance, avant-premiere, sound performance
SA 04.11.2017 20:00 - 21:50 avant-premiere

This sonic dance oscillates between the sonic and the visual world. It treats sound as a capacity and material to build invisible landscapes to inhabit, care for and operate within. Thinking of sound as an altogether different kind of consciousness that we can learn from if we spend time with it and listen. 

Constructing landscapes by imagining notions of vague, fluid and inclusive spaces, so that we can stay ungrounded and unknowing; wanting to immerse in this place to become more. More of the things we don’t know how to think of. Not the possible but the potential. Always in becoming...

concept: Linda Blomqvist
with and by Linda Blomqvist, Madeleine Lindh and Sandra Lolax
sound direction: Arnold De Vries Van Leeuwen
The Sound is supported by: The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, City of Stockholm, Stockholm County Council, Life Long Burning, Bâtard Festival, Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek, DNA Departures and Arrivals, MDT and CCAP

see also