Emilie Charriot King Kong Theory

Émilie Charriot stages the poignant book of Virginie Despentes. Here, the author particularly describes in a harsh and restrained way her rape and her experience as a prostitute. 

theater, BE premiere
TH 02.11.2017 20:30 - 21:30 BE premiere

In a simple but never simplistic way, Charriot uses the strength of the text, its paradoxes and its complexity to highlight its universality. Behind the activist stands a writer and above all an individual who theorizes on her proper history. More than a feministic discourse, King Kong Theory is presented as an emancipation, as an affirmation – bold and galvanizing – of a freedom. That of a human being who manages to keep going, whatever happens, whatever the risk is to take.

mise and scene Emilie Charriot
Interpretation Julia Perazzini, Géraldine Chollet
regard dramaturgique Igor Cardellini
regards extérieurs Piera Honegger, Delphine Rosay
création lumières et régie Yan Godat
film a collaboration artistique Valérianne Poidevin
photos Philippe Weissbrodt
administration Stéphane Frein
diffusion Aurélie de Morsier | Les écuries production Compagnie Emilie Charriot
coproduction Arsenic-Lausanne (CH) soutiens Ville de Lausanne, Loterie Romande, Fondation Jan Michalski - the La Tourette et l'Écriture Foundation, the Fondation Emilie Gourd, the Ernst Goehner Foundation, the Fondation Nestlé pour l'art, Corodis, SIS

see also