Micha´s Amateur Theater Group (for professionals) Part II: Malevolent Landscape

Malevolent Landscape started with the google search: “the most played theatre play”. 

WE 01.11.2017 23:00 - 23:40 Part II

Shakespeare, Beckett, Williams, Brecht, Jelinek, Pinter and Kane were represented among some others. Micha’s Amateur Theatre Group read around twelve synopses and after an intense selection procedure, they ended up with Mr. Burns, a post-electric play by Anne Washburn, on how an episode of The Simpsons becomes a familiar mythos of a culture still reeling from destruction of civilization and the near-extinction of humanity decades earlier.

While waiting for the script – that a publisher would send them as soon as they would republish it – the Group started to dug deep into our imaginary caves, searching for memories of the huge catastrophe/happening/apocalyptic moment. 

Malevolent Landscape is a classical post-apocalyptic drama, but far off from Mr. Burns, a post-electric play. Amazon.com told the Group that the script is somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean. They are still waiting for it.

Micha´s Amateur Theater Group (for professionals) started July 2016. Since then professionals from the fields of arts in Brussels have been meeting each other in the time concept of amateurs – 1.5 hours a week, for two months. A strong but always changing net of people have interacted under one golden rule: engage with pleasure! 

with: Cedric Cooman, Laura Tinard and Thomas Proksch. Would not be possible to do without the contribution from: Sophia Rodriguez, Ignacio Galilea, Jimmy Kosolosky, Erica Badgely, Nadya Dedikova + Volksroom!

see also