Kris Defoort & Jan Michiels Musical Letters
concert, KlaraFestival
MO 24.03.2014 20:00

Kris Defoort's residency within KlaraFestival will close with a new version of his piano cycle Dedicatio (2005-2006) and his String Quartet n°1 (2003). Dedicatio is a bundle of nine musical letters composed for and at the request of Jan Michiels, dedicated to people who are particularly important to Kris Defoort. Jan Michiels detected in Dedicatio a kinship with Claude Debussy. One hundred years lie between the French impressionist and Defoort but they write with a very similar inherent perspective and feeling for colour. This is why the two pianists decided to integrate a few of Debussy's Preludes into the programme. Jan Michiels plays them and Kris Defoort punctuates them with simultaneous improvisations. Defoort composed a completely different musical letter with his String Quartet n°1 that is dedicated to Philippe Boesmans. Here, Defoort creates pure contemporary classical music that is accessible to a broad public without actually becoming popular anywhere. Philippe Boesmans demonstrates a similarly eclectic writing style in his Second String Quartet from 1998 in which he combines baroque elements with influences from soul music. Summer Dreams comprises eight short movements that are either fast-paced or lyrical. A concert in which Kris Defoort is connected to Debussy and Boesmans performed by the Malibran Quartet, Jan Michiels and Kris Defoort himself.

Kris Defoort - Piano
Jan Michiels - Piano

Kris Defoort: Dedicatio 1-9
Philippe Boesmans: Tunes (selection)
Claude Debussy: Preludes (selection)

With KlaraFestival

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