Radical Body Politics

Feminist, queer and crip alliances. With Shahin Mohammad and Josefien Cornette.

TU 04.10.2022 19:00

in English, w/ French-Belgian sign language

hosted by Nadia Kara

A sign language guide and storyteller, Shahin Mohammad considers herself as an intersectional feminist activist: it is through this prism that she fights against racism, sexism, audism and social discrimination, "for true equality". A constant struggle for this handifeminist, decolonial, anti-racist and environmentalist activist who is committed to a strong political commitment.

Josefien Cornette (they/she) is a multidisciplinary artist and writer, with a background in art-history, feminism and queer studies and disability studies. Josefien was editor at rekto:verso, where she co-ordinated the CRIP-issue, collaborates with Engagement Arts and is building a grassroots movement of crip artists in Belgium. Currently Josefien focuses on narrativity and testimony as an art object.  In 2021, Josefien won the DiverGent Thesis Prize with "A House Called Pain," a poetic autoethnography about death, mourning, and disability, soon to be published as a novel.

Born in Liege from an Algerian father and a German-Belgian mother, Nadia Kara grew up surrounded by a mix of cultures and influences. Observing the world, seeking her place throughout her youth, she developed an urge to understand people and create ways to connect with them. After studying media and communication, the multifaceted young woman relocated to Flanders, where she gained new perspectives on the dynamics of her homeland - the good, the bad and the ugly. Constantly questioning and educating herself, Nadia developed a talent for opening up constructive dialogue about serious matters, and currently works as a writer, podcaster and host. Her favourite subjects to talk about include mental health, feminism, diversity and sustainability, which she always treats with a personal and vulnerable approach.

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