Espace Fxmme: Getting Softer by Globe Aroma

Getting Softer is a series of workshops on different textile techniques that took place on the Thursday meetings of Espace Fxmme, aiming to create softer vessels of hospitality for the community of Globe Aroma. The group, using all the acquired knowledge, has designed a series of patchwork curtains (also cushions and rugs) to furnish a softer, more feminine and fluid way of creating and holding space; that of textile.

The elements are used inside Globe Aroma but are also a nomadic space, in the form of a tent, that travels around, manifesting and hosting a safer, intimate space of exchange for wxmen and non binary people in the public sphere, art institutions and wxmen spaces.

Workshop leaders: Golnesa Rezanezhad, artistic coordinator and patchwork artist, Salomé Grdzelischvili, weaving artist, Rae Sita Pratiwi, indonesian batik guru, Ramzi Hassan and Jamileh Ahmadzi, Afghan embroidery experts.

Espace Fxmme creation team: Anna Housiada, Shilemeza Prins, Mimouna Amri, Hafize Azimi, Shorena Noniashvili, Elli Vassalou, ​Ifrah Yusuf,  Salimata Conde, Jasmien De Ryck, Clara de Vos

Workshop contributors: Mirra Markhaeva, Sahra Abdikarin, Taziri Alomrani, ​Soumaya Mahroug, Kaatje Vermeiren, Mona Cornelis, Joan Somers Donnely, Larisa Utesheva, Maria Muehombo, Zam Zadeh,​ ​Pascale Felten, Bruna Esperi, Barbara Prada, Latifa, Christina Phoebe, Stelios Vassalos, Deborah Williams and more.

with the support of Welzijnszorg

see also