tashweesh kiosk

Feminist collectives are taking to the shelves of a reading space. Come browse with us!

WE 28.09.2022 17:00 - 23:00
TH 29.09.2022 17:00 - 23:00
FR 30.09.2022 17:00 - 23:00
SA 01.10.2022 17:00 - 23:00
TU 04.10.2022 17:00 - 23:00
WE 05.10.2022 17:00 - 23:00
TH 06.10.2022 17:00 - 23:00
FR 07.10.2022 17:00 - 23:00
SA 08.10.2022 17:00 - 23:00

from books and magazines to catalogs and zines - the publications are brought to you by feminist collectives from Brussels:

Bicoli Collective is a self-run feminist communal library based in Ixelles.

Bye Bye Binary is a collective, a pedagogical experiment, a community, a variable typo·graphic creation workshop, a network, an alliance, working on gender-fluid and inclusive typography.

Mophradat creates opportunities for artists from the Arab world through an inventive approach to funding, commissioning, collaborating, and gathering.

Fatsabbats creates spaces by and for LGBTQIA+, queers, women of color and their allies: cultural, social and care.

FAME festival is a new, multidisciplinary performing arts festival that seeks to encourage the discovery of new imaginary worlds that are more inclusive and more equal.

Psst Mlle is an intersectional feminist platform deconstructing the dance floor, standing up for representation and inclusion. They host a reading session in the kiosk on Tuesday the 4th of October from 18:00 to 19:30.

Lagrange Points promotes and celebrates the diversity of Arab culture's creativity and innovation, in Brussels, the Arab world and beyond. Through its network, dynamic team, and open programs, Lagrange Points brings new and unexpected voices alongside established artists, writers, activists, and researchers, connecting audiences and communities with works of contemporary visual arts, film, music, theatre, dance, literature and debates.

some online publications

Grimoire Fanzine is a Tunisian digital macabre fanzine. A disturbing, provocative content, between reality and fiction, between the visible and the invisible. 

Kohl Journal, a journal for Body and Gender Research, is a progressive, feminist journal on gender and sexuality in South West Asia and North Africa regions.

858. An archive of resistance is a unique collection featuring hundreds of hours of footage shot and collected in Egypt around the revolution now made available to the public. 

Mophradat’s online library publishes essays and thought pieces that are concerned with language, poetics, and feelings, some whimsical, some theoretical, and more.  

The Funambulist is a platform that engages with the politics of space and bodies. It’s hope is to provide a useful platform where activist/academic/practitioner voices can meet and build solidarities across geographical scales.

the list of books & zines

Some texts proposed by Bye Bye Binary

Enough is Enough by Les Mots de Trop

La typographie comme technologie du post-binarisme politique by Camille°Circlude

Master’s Tools (Designing As Othering), Monster’s Tools (Designing As Bothering) by Ece Canli from the book Glossary of Undisciplined Design

Excerpts from Teaching to Transgress by bell hooks


The selection of Bicoli

> All publications in this list can be found in their library! Check out their instagram page for more information.

La Révolution captive by Nahla Abdo

Féminismes Islamiques by Zahra Ali

La couleur de l'adoption by Manuelle Alix-Surprenant & Renaud Vinet-Houle

Rencontres radicales by Manal Al Tamimi, Tal Dor & Nacira Guénif-Souilamas

1492: Anacaona L'insurgée des Caraïbes by Paula Anacaona

Bisexualidades feministas by Laura Arnes, Malena Correa & more

Balance ton corps by Bertoulle Beaurebec

Fun Home by Alison Bechdel

Nos existences handies by Zig Blanquer

L'adoption internationale, mythes et réalités by Joohee Bourgain

Queer + Trans Voices by Julia Feliz Brueck

Veganism of Color by Julia Feliz Brueck

Liens de sang by Octavia E. Butler

La Parabole du semeur by Octavia E. Butler

Afrotrans by Collectif Cases Rebelles

Le feu qui craque - PanAfroRévolutionnaires by Collectif Cases Rebelles

Censored Magazine n°2: Desiderare

Censored Magazine n°5: Archive intime et politique

A Pink Story by Kate Charlesworth

Les filles voilées parlent by Ismahane Chouder, Malika Latrèche & Pierre Tevanian

Matérialismes Trans by Pauline Clochec & Noémie Grunenwald

La pensée féministe noire by Patricia H. Collins

Fat Activism: A Radical Social Movement by Charlotte Cooper

To My Trans Sisters by Charlie Craggs

Une autobiographie transsexuelle (avec des vampires) by Lizzie Crowdagger

Décolonisons les arts! by Leïla Cukierman, Gerty Dambury & Françoise Vergès

Depuis que tu n'a pas tiré by Marie Darah

Survivre au taf by Marie Dasylva

Femmes d'Alger dans leur appartement by Assia Djebar

Feu! Abécédaire des féminismes présents by Elsa Dorlin

Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge

Les féministes blanches et l'empire by Félix Boggio Ewanjé-Epée & Stella Magliani-Belkacem

Le regard cis reflété au cinéma by Charlie Fabre

Princesa by Fernanda Farias De Albuquerque

Asian American Feminisms and Women of Color Politics by Lynn Fujiwara & Shireen Roshanravan

P. Mon adolescence trans by Fumettibrutti

I Will Not Be Erased by gal-dem

Une poupée en chocolat by Amandine Gay

Traquée, la cavale d'Angela Davis by Nicolas Pitz & Fabien Grolleau

La revolución (a)sexual by Celia Gutiérrez

Reclaim by Emilie Hache

Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments by Saidiya Hartman

Journal intime d'une féministe (noire) by Axelle Jah Njiké

This Arab is Queer by Elias Jahshan

Crip Kinship by Shayda Kafai

Le soleil et ses fleurs by Rupi Kaur

Comment devenir antiraciste by Ibram X. Kendi

Growing Older as a Trans and/or Non-Binary Person by Jennie Kermode

À nos humanités révoltées by Kiyémis

Aphro-ism by Aph Ko & Syl Ko

Genre et féminismes au moyen-orient et au maghreb by Abir Kréfa & Amélie Le Renard

Le goût de la nectarine by Lee Lai

Pour l'intersectionnalité by Eléonore Lepinard & Sarah Mazouz

Une histoire de genres by Lexie

Females by Andrea Long Chu

Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde

Art queer by Renate Lorenz

Jeune fille modèle by Grace Ly

Le guide de poche des identités queer & trans by Mady G & J. R. Zuckerberg

Continuum by Chella Man

Pour un temps sois peu/Transe by Laurène Marx

Decolonizing Non-Violent Communication by meenadchi

Volcaniques : Une anthologie du plaisir by Léonora Miano

Les garçons trans, mauvais sujets du féminisme? by Friedrich Morinom

Blood feast by Malika Moustadraf

Mwasi Afrofem by Mwasi

Le transféminisme by Leticia Nascimento

"Serhildan": le soulèvement au Kurdistan by Collectif Ne var ne yok

Et maintenant le pouvoir  by Fania Noel

Afro-communautaire, appartenir à nous-mêmes by Fania Noel-Thomassaint

Aux vies anecdotiques by Karima Ouaghenim

La puissance des mères by Fatima Ouassak

Minor Feelings by Cathy Park Hong

PD La Revue n°1bis, n°3, n°4

A Comprehensive Guide to Intersex by Jay Kyle Petersen

Fiévreuse plébéienne by Elodie Petit

Anthologie Douteuses by Elodie Petit & Marguerin Le Louvrier

Working Feminism by Geraldine Pratt

Jeune trans et non binaires by Denise Medico et Annie Pullen Sansfaçon

Otras Flores by Xavi Reyes

Hétéro, l'école? by Gabrielle Richard

Sugako Kanno, les derniers mots d'une intrépide by Aurélien Roulland

A Better World Starts Here by Stacy Russo

Féminismes africains by Rama Salla Dieng

Caillasses by Joëlle Sambi

Les luttes des putes by Thierry Schaffauser

Manifeste d'une femme trans et autres textes by Julia Serano

Whipping Girl by Julia Serano

Ceux qui sont morts ne sont jamais partis by Bonaventure Soh Bejend Ndikung

Ecoute la ville tomber by Kate Tempest

The Big Idea: Is Gender Fluid ? by Sally Hines

Revue The Eyes#11: Transgalactique

I Hope We Choose Love by Kai Cheng Thom

On n'a que deux vies by Adel Tincelin

A Self-Defense Study Guide for Trans Women by TransFighters

La nuit t'arrache à moi by Nanténé Traoré

Et ne suis-je pas une femme? by Sojourner Truth

Un verano kurdo by Zekine Turkeri

Beyond the Gender Binary by Alok Vaid-Menon

De la violence coloniale dans l'espace public by Françoise Vergès & Seumboy Vrainom

Aller la rivière by Luz Volckmann

Les chants du placard by Luz Volckmann

Handi-gang by Cara Zina


& some books for children from Bicoli

Le choix de Koki by Classe gagnante du concours Lire Égaux 2018 & Félix Rousseau

Frisettes en fête by bell hooks & Chris Raschka

L'amoureuse de Simone by Elsa Kedadouche & Amélie-Anne Calmo

Comme un million de papillons noirs by Laura Nsafou & Barbara Brun

Le chemin de Jada by Laura Nsafou & Barbara Brun

La demeure du ciel by Laura Nsafou & Olga Guillaud

Je m'appelle Julie by Laurie The Fox & Caroline Fournier

Ma maman est bizarre by Camille Victorine & Anna Wanda Gogusey


The selection of Psst Mlle

Paye ta shnek by Anais Bourdet

Ne suis-je pas une femme by bell hooks

Joie militante by Carla Bergman & Nick Montgomery

Françoise d'Eaubonne et l'écoféminisme by Caroline Goldblum

Sorcières by Mona Chollet

Sorcières, pourchassées, assumées, puissantes, queer by Anna Colin

Le deuxième sexe, I by Simone de Beauvoir

Le féminisme ou la mort by Françoise d’Eaubonne

Lune Rouge by Miranda Gray

Reclaim by Emilie Hache

La Sorcière by Jules Michelet

Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race by ​​Reni Eddo-Lodge

Not That Bad by Roxane Gay

Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay

La gentrification des esprits by Sarah Schulman

Les grandes oubliées by Titiou Lecoq

Viendra le temps du feu Wendy Delorme


The selection of Mophradat

> Some of these publications are available for free on their website, others can be bought there.

How to Disappear? by Haytham El-Wardany (in English & Arabic)

These are the tools of the present edited by Mai Abu ElDahab, November Paynter, Marnie Slater

How to Know What’s Really Happening by Francis McKee (in English & Arabic)

How to Mend: Motherhood and Its Ghosts by Iman Mersal

Read the Room #1 by Suneela Mubayi

Read the Room #2 Transnationals: Who are they and what do they want? by Nadia Cherif

Why Call It Labor? On Motherhood and Art Work edited by Mai Abu ElDahab


The selection of FAME Festival

Squatters handbook (14th edition) by  Advisory Service for Squatters

Anthologie des femmes poètes du monde arabe by Maram al-Masri

Grammaire du français inclusif by Alpheratz

Eloge des vagabondes by Gilles Clément

Le génie lesbien by Alice Coffin

Le silence même n’est plus à toi by Asli Erdogan

Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg

Co-naître by Aliette Griz

Plier L’hier by Aliette Griz & Flise

Vivre avec nos morts by Delphine Horvilleur

Les grands cerfs by Claudie Hunzinger

Lexicon Pamphlet Series: Anarchism by Institute for Anarchist Studies

Lexicon Pamphlet Series: Power by Institute for Anarchist Studies

Lexicon Pamphlet Series: Colonialism by Institute for Anarchist Studies

Lexicon Pamphlet Series: White Supremacy by Institute for Anarchist Studies

Lexicon Pamphlet Series: Gender by Institute for Anarchist Studies

Bagarre érotique by Klou

Rupture(s) by Claire Marin

Plutôt couler en beauté que flotter sans grâce by Corinne Morel Darleux

Comment devenir lesbienne en dix étapes by Louise Morel

Playing Monogamy by Simon(e) van Saarloos

Une théorie féministe de la violence by Françoise Vergès

La pensée straight by Monique Wittig


The selection of Fatsabbats

Emergent Strategy by Adrienne Maree Brown

Holding Change by Adrienne Maree Brown

Pussy Prayers by Black Girl Bliss

Connais-toi toi-même by Clarence Edgard-Sosa

Mutual Aid by Dean Spade

Beyond survival edited by Ejeris Dixon & Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

Love's Not Color Blind by Kevin A. Patterson

Care Work by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

Dirty River by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

Being Biracial by Sarah Ratliff & Bryony Sutherland

The Sex Agenda: Issue 1

Fat and Queer: An Anthology of Queer and Trans Bodies and Lives edited by Tiff Joshua Tj Ferentini, Miguel M. Morales & Bruce Owens Grimm 


The selection of Lagrange Points

Poussière Rouge by Ines Touijar

Antoine Chapitre 1-5 by Mazen Kerbaj

Sqout Al Imam by Nawal Saadawi

Mothakarat Tifla by Nawal Saadawi

Harz Mokamkam by Ahmad Naji

Jdeed Magazine n°8

Samandal 3000 by Samandal

Salam by Lena Mehrej

Experimentation by Samandal

50 artistes de caricature et de bande dessinée arabes by multiple authors

Daftar Farho by Laila Abdallah

Al Carnaval by Khalida Hamed

You Have Not Been Defeated by Alaa Abd ElFatah

Smashing It by multiple authors

And So We Drive On by Marina Chamma

Midnight in Cairo by Raphael Cormack

Habibi by Wim Peumans

Madina Mojawera Lil Ard by Dar Onboz

Qalb Al Madina by Dar Onboz

Gabsh Al Maraya by Khalida Hamed

Qaidat Al Khawf by Daleer Youssef

Hawamsh Thaqafiya by Saad Allah Wannous

Alharaka Alnisaiya by Tayseer Khalaf

Yawm Min Zamanna by Saad Allah Wannous

Yafa by Nibal Qndos

reading sessions 

with Dima Issa Daibes from Lagrange Points on Saturday 01.10 from 15:00 to 17:00

with Psst Mlle on Tuesday 04.10 from 18:00 to 19:30

with Tessel Veneboer on Kathy Acker on Saturday 8.10 from 15:00 to 17:00

see also