We Love You

Love. That’s what we’ll be talking about in autumn 2019. What exactly is the role and relevance of love in this individualistic, polarised, mediatised, competitive, post-colonial and climate-apocalyptic era?

performance, film, music, expo, conversations
20 SEP — 20 DEC 2019

When we think of love, our minds almost automatically drift into the territory of couples, relationships and break-ups. But what do we see when we look beyond romance? How does love feel, smell and taste beyond the realm of the romantic and the self?

Autumn 2019 is all about love here at Beursschouwburg. We’ll be counting the ways love can hold significance in an individualistic, polarised, mediatised, competitive, post-colonial and climate-apocalyptic era.

What is there to observe beyond all the romantic clichés? A host of non-normative new forms of living together and relationships based on kinship rooted in deep care and concern, a mutual willingness to listen and empathy for others. Discussions about love lead us indirectly to questions of power. How do we understand love in relation to dominance, to a patriarchal system? How can love support, emancipate and empower people? What does love mean for a community of like minds, beyond the boundaries of the conventional couple? Can we evolve towards a community of love, averse to individualistic interpretations of love? What are some different possible conceptions of love? In how many different ways can we give and receive love? When does love go beyond the binary? Which forms can it take beyond the oh-so-ingrained couple model? In our amorous programme we’ll attempt to cover all these diverse perspectives and more.

Expect performances about new forms of co-habitation, concerts that empower us to love, talks about listening, screenings that bring people together, and a love letter to society in the form of an expo. Get a glimpse of what’s in store: surf the waves of our autumn programme.

We love you!



FR 20.09 23:00 DJ Bus Replacement Service + LIAS + AIR LQD (FREE)
FR 04.10 22:00 10Y SUPAFLY Ilsyll + SND (FREE)
TU 08.10 20:00 Gabber Modus Operandi + Orphan Swords
TH 10.10 20:00 black midi + Lennart Heyndels (SOLD OUT)
FR 11.10 20:30 Khidja + Eirwud Mudwasser + Kinema Ikon + Hun Hun w/ Europalia Arts Festival Romania
SA 12.10 21:30 Atome + François Bijou + Fred Nevché + Les Trash Croutes w/ FrancoFaune Festival 2019
FR 18.10 22:00 SLAGWERK E-Saggila + Torus + Krampf
SA 19.10 22:00 Matias Aguayo + Zeta Lys
WE 30.10 20:00 Combo Chimbita
WE 13.11 20:00 Look Mum No Computer
TH 21.11 20:00 Sote
FR 29.11 22:00 FAKA


FR 20.09 20:00 Jeremy Wade - The Battlefield Nurse (FREE)
FR 20.09 20:30 & SU 22.09 14:00 Marjani Forté-Saunders - Memoirs of a... unicorn
SA 12.10 20:30 Bára Sigfúsdóttir & Eivind Lønning - Tide
FR 18.10 20:30 (BE premiere) & SA 19.10 20:30 Jeremy Wade - The Clearing
FR 25.10 20:30 & SA 26.10 20:30 Ellen Furey & Malik Nashad Sharpe - SOFTLAMP.autonomies
FR 08.11 20:30 & SA 09.11 20:30 Alma Söderberg - Entangled Phrases
SA 30.11 20:30 Ima Iduozee - this is the title
FR 06.12 20:30 & SA 07.12 20:30 Lucile Desamory, Margareth Kammerer & Sabine Ercklentz - Asteroseismology
FR 13.12 20:30 & SA 14.12 20:30 Florentina Holzinger - TANZ
FR 20.12 20:00 Rosana Cade - Drag Mother (FREE)


WE 02.10 18:30 A Blue Collar Date w/ Ben De Raes
WE 02.10 20:30 Ben De Raes - Waiting Working Hours (avant-premiere)
WE 09.10 20:30 Alexis Destoop - Northern Drift (avant-premiere)
WE 16.10 20:30 Jaakko Pallasvuo Screening Programme
WE 23.10 20:30 Herman Asselberghs - De Architect (avant-premiere)
TH 14.11 19:00 Robert Kramer - Milestones w/ Sabzian
TH 28.11 19:00 James Lórien MacDonald - Manning Up (FREE)
WE 04.12 19:00, 20:30 & TH 05.12 19:00, 20:30 Britt Hatzius - Listening Distance (limited capacity)
WE 11.12 20:30 Elephy Presents Margaret Salmon - What's Love Got To Do With It ?


FR 20.09 - SA 28.09 12:00 - 22:00 Emily Vey Duke & Cooper Battersby - You Were an Amazement on the Day You Were Born (FREE)
WE 02.10 - SA 05.10 12:00 - 22:00 Jessica Johnson & Ryan Ermacora - Labour/Leisure (FREE)
WE 09.10 - SA 12.10 12:00 - 22:00 Onyeka Igwe - No Dance, No Palaver (FREE)
WE 16.10 - SA 19.10 12:00 - 22:00 MSL Jaakko Pallasvuo - Fruits of the Loom (FREE)
WE 23.10 - SA 26.10 12:00 - 22:00 Georgia Lucas-Going - 'HOME IS WHERE THE WORK STARTS 1988' (FREE)
WE 20.11 - SA 23.11 12:00 - 22:00 Rosalind Nashashibi - Part One: Where There Is A Joyous Mood There A Comrade Will Appear To Share A Glass Of Wine / Part Two: The Moon Is Nearly At The Full. A Team Horse Goes Astray (FREE)
WE 27.11 - SA 30.11 12:00 - 22:00 Aurora Reinhard - Boygirl (FREE)
WE 27.11 - SA 30.11 12:00 - 22:00 Artor Jesus Inkerö - Swole (FREE)
WE 04.12 - SA 07.12 12:00 - 22:00 Steffani Jemison - Sensus Plenior (FREE)
WE 11.12 - SA 14.12 12:00 - 22:00 Charlotte Zhang - The Lining (FREE)


SA 21.09 17:00 Reading Group on Paul B. Preciado
SA 21.09 20:30 Paul B. Preciado
SA 12.10 17:00 Reading Group: Love & The Earth with Grace Ndiritu - a History of Community Resistance
SA 26.10 17:00 Reading Group on bell hooks
WE 27.11 - SA 30.11 Re/Defining Masculinities (Mini Festival)
WE 27.11 20:30 Voice Male (FREE)


20 SEP — 20 DEC Mural by Alison Yip (FREE)
20 SEP — 14 DEC Luis Lázaro Matos - Summer Waterfalls & Autumn Leaves (FREE)

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