Jan Ducheyne & Noodzakelijk Kwaad

Poetic fireworks in a medley of different keys.

WE 19.06.2019 21:30 - 22:00 FREE

16:00 rooftop bar open (playlist by Zwangere Guy)
21:30 Jan Ducheyne & Noodzakelijk Kwaad
23:00 Night S. Yung (> 01:00)

Jan Ducheyne’s pin-pointed poetry meets Noodzakelijk Kwaad’s razor-sharp music. The project began two years ago somewhere in a Brussels café and in late 2018 a record entered the world (via drummer Frank’s basement). The LP was released on the label Smeraldina Rima and featured cover art by Levi Seeldraeyers. In their live performances, Noodzakelijk Kwaad is known for their sultry-cool virtuosity served with a juicy slab of improvisation. In other words, the risk of a breakout of uncontrollable dancing is very real.


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