NISHIMIYE [cancelled]

ntimate neo-soul journey of discovery into the different meanings of love.

SA 25.06.2022 21:00 cancelled

17:00 doors
21:00 NISHIMIYE (cancelled)
22:00 Saràh Phenom (cancelled)
23:00 Shoko Igarashi (rooftop)
00:00 Vieze Meisje (rooftop)
01:00 Lengelhair dj-set (rooftop)
03:00 Marouchka dj-set (rooftop, <5:00)

In Kinyarwanda, one of the official languages of Rwanda, nishimiye means "I am happy" and that is what NISHIMIYE manifests in their music. This Brussels-based singer-songwriter found the space to finish their first song during the first lockdown and has not stopped writing, composing and creating their own personal creative safe space since. By taking up that space, NISHIMIYE explores the emotions, feelings and different forms of love that define their person. And everyone is welcome to participate in this intimately collective exploration to the neo-soul sounds of NISHIMIYE's velvety voice.

see also